December 2, 2009

Discover Egoscue. December Client Spotlight

      Before starting Egoscue I knew my mobility was spiraling downward at a rapid rate.  It was becoming increasingly more painful to walk and stand.  In fact, so much so that when I saw someone in a wheel chair I wondered if that might be me in five years.  Since joining the program I've overcome one problem after another and what were once large issues have now become subtle annoyances.  One easy measure: I used to carry and frequently use aspirin.  Now I only rarely take one.  With success has also come the peace of mind and confidence knowing I have the power and ability to influence and control my mobility as I age.

      When I started my program I couldn't decide which was more painful my feet or knees.  There was only one pair of shoes I could wear with any comfort and even then I could only stand or walk for a maximum of 10 to 30 minutes before the pain got the best of me.  I dreaded standing after sitting for any length of time because of the sharp pains in my feet.  Walking and balance was made more difficult by my toes grabbing the ground like claws.  As for my knees, I would experience periodic concussion like incidents which caused debilitating pain and swelling keeping me immobile for several days while guzzling aspirin. 

      Now after three years I no longer worry about walking, I have several pairs of comfortable shoes, and my toes no longer are curled. My knees aren't perfect and I still have joint pains. But I've had no immobilizing incidences requiring massivce doses of aspirin. In fact, now I rarely take an aspirin at all.

      The services provided at Pain Free are excellent. The entire staff is knowlegeable and well trained. More than that, they genuinely care about their client's well being and comfort. You know that if you have a problem they will address it with the expertise and time it takes to diagnose the source and correct it or direct you to the resources that will. I not only have complete confidence and respect for each and every one of them, I also consider them to be my friends.

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