AT PAIN FREE PERFORMANCE WE ARE POSTURE PEOPLE! My name is Mackie Boblette and I have spent the last eighteen years helping people restore their posture. What does that mean? Are your feet/ankles, knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line and at 90 degree angles? If not, getting your body aligned in that way is our goal.
Folks come to me everyday with some kind of pain - which is a symptom. I want to be very clear -- your pain is not the problem! Your pain is the body's way of telling you something is not working. I simply serve as a translator and guide to help you understand what your body is trying to tell you. So the pain (symptom) is not the focus but it is a clue as to what isn't working and what exercises I may or may not be able to give you to do. Your symptom gives me the parameters of where we can start working.

It's not too late - it's never too late to make a change (unless you're underground and not breathing!) . Give us a call at 434-296-0600 and let us help you regain your posture and relieve your pain.