April 4, 2012


AT PAIN FREE PERFORMANCE WE ARE POSTURE PEOPLE!  My name is Mackie Boblette and I have spent the last eighteen years helping people restore their posture.  What does that mean?   Are your feet/ankles, knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line and at 90 degree angles?  If not, getting your body aligned in that way is our goal.

Folks come to me everyday with some kind of pain -  which is a symptom.  I want to be very clear -- your pain is not the problem!  Your pain is the body's way of telling you something is not working.  I simply serve as a translator and guide to help you understand what your body is trying to tell you.  So the pain (symptom) is not the focus but it is a clue as to what isn't working and what exercises I may or may not be able to give you to do.  Your symptom gives me the parameters of where we can start working.

For instance, let's take a look at low back pain.  Low back pain occurs mainly because the two halves of the pelvis are torqued, elevated and/or twisted. This means that all the muscles in your back are going to be bearing the brunt of this misalignment - and creating pain. You can take meds, heat treatments, massage and even have surgery but unless you get the the two halves of the pelvis back to being equal and symmetrical, the other treatments will only be a temporary help for the symptom, not the permanent resolution which is an aligned body. 

It's not too late - it's never too late to make a change (unless you're underground and not breathing!) .  Give us a call at 434-296-0600 and let us help you regain your posture and relieve your pain.